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Alien Exploration-Ancient Humans

Ancient humans: Humans once had glorious interstellar civilizations and pioneers, but the fierce wars that continued to invade after the rise of the Zerg led humans to invade the pioneers' territory to obtain more resources to support the war. In the end, humans were defeated and destroyed by the pioneers in two-sided battles. After the destruction of civilization, the species was degraded and exiled, and the human beings of today's earth will be formed more than 100,000 years later.

The World WarII

On the morning of April 9, 1940, Germany informed Denmark and Norway that on the grounds of preventing the invasion of Britain and France and Navia of Bulgaria, Denmark failed to respond and was occupied by the Germans within a few hours. Germany declared war, the British army landed to aid Norway, but its role was not great, and the entire territory of Norway was occupied. On May 10, 1940, the Germans attacked the Netherlands. After 5 days, the Dutch stopped fighting, Luxembourg fell within a day, and Belgium surrendered on May 28.

The World WarII

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, and Britain and France declared war on Germany 50 hours later. From the beginning of the war, German infantry and mechanized troops advanced straight under the cover of thousands of planes. The Poles stayed in Warsaw, but unfortunately there was a big gap between them. When Germany invaded Poland, the Soviet Union also sent troops to occupy eastern Poland and signed a contract with Germany on September 28. Poland was divided again after 1772, 1793, 1795, and 1815.

FOR ALL MANKIND Cinematic Trailer 4K

Alien exploration program, the first step is to select suitable humans, train soldiers, and train astronauts.

Digital DNA Super Human

The more humans understand themselves, the more powerful they become. When we no longer fear cancer, when our organs can be transplanted at will, and when we are completely repaired by trauma, then we are truly "superhumans."

FUTURISTIC CITY Cinematic Trailer 4K

Alien exploration program, and construction of human future city.
As the population continues to grow, we can fully imagine what an expanding urban society will look like. Changing climate patterns, rising sea levels, declining available natural resources, and a variety of other issues will completely change the urban environment; science and technology provide us with a dreamy picture of cities outside the region.the first step is to select suitable humans, train soldiers, and train astronauts.

Our Story

1993年採購專業錄影機、專業的剪輯機、電腦特效剪輯設備Video Tosater及3D動畫電腦工作站AMIGA system,開始投入傳播領域,進入電腦科技的世界。
1996年正式成立超潛力多媒體傳播公司,引進當時最先進的製作設備-電腦非線性剪輯工作站 Video Toaster Flyer。
1997年完成第一片VCD2.0互動式光碟,引進SGI 工作站及AliasWavefront 3D動畫製作軟體。
2001年引進加拿大MATROX RT系統剪輯、3D即時特效工作站,加強影音特效製作服務。引進剪輯動畫工作站運算伺服器Video Toaster Screamer。
2002年引進德國Pinnacle剪輯、Hollywood 3D FX即時特效工作站,加強影音特效製作服務。
2003年引進加拿大MATROX X系統剪輯、3D即時特效工作站,加強影音特效製作服務。架設Windows系統伺服器及EIP管理系統,強化公司內部人員管理及各項目進銷存管。
2018年引進4K NEWTEK特效動畫剪輯系統,加速影音製作服務。




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Chaoyang District
Beijing, China